Live Online Class

Odinga Codinga is the Unplugged Coding Program
for kids to help them learn Coding concepts
through Stories & Games, without a computer.

Why Unplugged Process?

Learning through play is the best process for a child’s development. We teach coding with the
help of stories & games which improve cognitive and socio-emotional skills.

Online Class Price


1. Conditions

2. Location and direction

3. Patterns

4. Using Information

5. Signs

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500


1. Binary System

2. Logical Operations

3. Order / Sequencing

4. Repetition

5. Encryption

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500


1. Algorithm

2. Functions

3. Abstraction

4. Search and Arrange

5. Icon and Interface

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

RS. 500

· Learn through Stories and Games from Korea
· Pay for one concept at a time/ Full course/ Customized course
· Get Certified

Meet Our Teachers
